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Fable- The Moose and the Mouse

Having a fable format given to us as we created these in class was very helpful for me. I am not a strong writer and get that "writers block" feeling very easily, so I enjoyed being given basic, step by step instructions to create the fable. This version below though is one that I revised at home the following night after class.

Fable writing- The Moose and the Mouse

One dark and cloudy evening, Moose was hurrying through the forest to get back to his family before the big storm rolls in. He was going so quickly that he wasn’t being careful about where he was stepping, and he accidently got his back hoof jammed under a tree root. He tugged and kicked his leg, but he could not get it free. He then heard another animal rustling the leaves nearby.

“Who’s there?”, asked the Moose.

“It’s me, Mouse”, said the mouse hesitantly. She had met Moose before in the forest and it wasn’t exactly a pleasant encounter.

“Oh drat”, said Moose, “I was hoping for a stronger, larger animal to help me get my hoof free from this root. I have no use for you, go away from me at once”.

Mouse scampered off, afraid of Moose. Just then, the rain began to fall heavily into the forest and a crackling bolt of lightning struck a tree near Moose. Now he really wished he was not all alone, and he hung his head feeling scared and helpless.

Suddenly Mouse appeared again before Moose, but this time he was not alone! Mouse had brought a friend to help him quickly chew through the tree root that was trapping Moose’s hoof. In no time, he was free again.

“Now you can get back to your family! They will feel safer with you there during this storm”, the Mouse said kindly.

“Thank you so much Mouse”, said the Moose. “I am sorry that I ever mistreated you. Please, you and your friend follow me to share my family’s shelter that is nearby”.

Moral: Treat everyone with kindness because you never know when you will end up needing a friend.

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